2017年01月20日 16:04




吳宗憲與吳姍儒主持的節目滿一週年,20日舉辦周年慶,說這一年來能跟女兒一起主持,真的很開心,是很快樂的專業全民英檢補習班推薦 恆春一年。除了能跟大女兒一起主持,遠在國外唸書的兒女也讓他十分驕傲,他今在記者會上透露,兒子在他最憤怒的時候傳來成績單,上面寫著鋼琴95分。說完,Sandy馬上要現場媒體給爸爸一點歡呼,滿足他一下,吳宗憲接著說三女兒的期末成績,更全部都是A,現場歡呼聲更大,讓吳宗憲笑得合不攏嘴。

吳宗憲說,每年固定都要發400萬元紅包,從20年前開始就是,不過20年前的400萬跟現在的400萬價值早已不同。Sandy從出社會工作當英文老專業一對一英文家教課程 蘆竹師時,每年就固定包紅包給父母,那時候1個月賺3萬元,過年仍包6萬元大紅包給爸爸,今年一樣會包大紅包。


/ Staff writer, with CNAThe legislature yesterday passed the government’s general budget proposal for fiscal year 2017, after cutting it to NT$1.97 trillion (US$62.3 billion).During the two-week extraordinary session, opposition lawmakers put forward about 500 proposals for budget cuts, but the number was reduced to 63 during cross-caucus negotiations that were chaired by Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全).Lawmakers settled on a budget of NT$1.97 trillion, cutting 1.2 percent from the government’s proposed NT$1.99 trillion.The proposed budget has a deficit of NT$132.9 billion and an estimated NT$74 billion for principal payments on government debt, all of which the government said would be covered through loans.At the end of the session, Su commended the party caucuses and legislative staff for their efforts to process major bills, such as amendments to the Long-term Care Services Act (長期照顧服務法) and the Electricity Act (電業法), as well as the budget bill.This was achieved though rational communication, efficiency and order among the caucuses, he said.Su’s performance over the session was praised by New Power Party (NPP) caucus convener Hsu Yung-ming (徐永明).“Swords were drawn over this legislative session and there were even some topics that were not appropriate to handle during a special session, but we support Su’s handling of matters,” Hsu said. “Dealing with the budget, the whole process was relatively smooth.”He expressed regret that his party’s calls for more rigorous pension bonus standards had not won approval, adding that the NPP would support the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) plans for military and economic development.Before the session ended, the legislature, with the DPP’s majority, rejected three budget cut proposals put forward by the KMT caucus, including a proposal to slash the Mainland Affairs Council’s (MAC) budget, which the KMT said was “not thoughtfully planned” and would not improve stagnant relations between Taiwan and China amid a cooling of cross-strait interactions.The KMT said that MAC Minister Katharine Chang (張小月) should be held responsible for the cooling of cross-strait ties since May 20 last year, when President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) took office.The MAC “has obviously misjudged the situation,” the KMT caucus said, adding that the council should outline response strategies within a month and deliver a report about its misjudgement to the legislature’s Internal Administration Committee within two months.However, the budget cut proposals and the request for the MAC to submit a report were voted down by DPP legislators.The DPP controls 68 of the 113 seats in the Legislative Yuan, while the KMT has 35. The NPP has five and the People First Party has three, while the Non-Partisan Solidarity Alliance and an independent have one seat each.KMT proposals to slash the budget for the Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee and disband the committee were also rejected.The committee was established by the Cabinet in August last year based on the Statute on Handling the Inappropriate Assets of Political Parties and Their Affiliated Organizations (政黨及其附隨組織不當取得財產處理條例). The statute was enacted by the legislature in July last year.According to the regulations, some of the KMT’s property has been frozen pending investigations into party assets.The KMT caucus also proposed cutting the Ministry of Education’s budget, which weighed in during a controversy over a phrase used by Lai He (賴和), the father of Taiwan’s nativist literary movement, that has been cited by the Presidential Office in the spring couplets it plans to give away.The KMT said the ministry’s response amounted to education serving political goals.The next legislative session is to open after the Lunar New Year holiday ends on Feb. 1.Additional reporting by Abraham Gerber新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES


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